Frick Event Guidelines
We are pleased to host your event in the Frick Chemistry Laboratory. Here are some guidelines to follow for the use of Taylor Commons (Frick atrium) and Taylor Auditorium. To schedule Taylor Commons for an event, please contact the Department of Chemistry’s Facilities and Safety Manager, Stellios Maroulis, at [email protected] or 609-258-7048, or submit a space request through EMS at https://scheduling.princeton.edu. Since Taylor Auditorium is a classroom facility, the space is managed by the Registrar’s Office and can only be scheduled through University Scheduling Services.
NOTE: For all events hosted by organizations that are not directly affiliated with Princeton University, event planners must first contact Princeton University Conference and Event Services at https://conferences.princeton.edu/event-services.
Frick Chemistry Laboratory is a 24-hour working facility and we kindly request your consideration for those working in the building during evening hours and on the weekends. For safety reasons, entry to the labs, basement, interior and exterior staircases are prohibited.
In order to ensure the success of your event, we strongly suggest that the individual who makes the arrangements (i.e. for set up, catering, cleanup, etc.) remain on site throughout the event.
- BUILDING CAPACITY: Taylor Commons: It is recommended that seated dinners maintain a capacity of 350 people in order to ensure enough space for serving and prep areas. Standing room only capacity for the Taylor Commons (North and South Atrium) is 1,200. Taylor Auditorium: Lecture Hall seating is 240. No food or beverages are permitted inside the auditorium. To make sure the appropriate temperatures are provided in these spaces during your event, please contact Engineering and Campus Energy directly, [email protected] or 609-258-5890, 48 hours in advance.
- BUILDING ACCESS: Events being held after 8:30 p.m., Monday through Friday or at any time during the weekend will require an Event Registration Form submitted to the Site Protection team. Submit the form and provide the details for the lock/unlock requests here, https://publicsafety.princeton.edu/services/event-security. Please send a copy of this form to Stellios Maroulis. This form must be sent to Public Safety 10 days in advance of the event. If for any reason, the designated main doors at the north main entrance are not open when you arrive, call Public Safety at 609-258-1000. No public phone is available, so please bring a cell phone.
- CATERING: We do not offer a kitchen facility and all outside caterers must prepare food off-site and be completely self-sufficient. Sterno is acceptable for use, but must be GEL Sterno only — not liquid — and can only be lit with a candle/grill lighter and not matches. Paper tablecloths and disposable dishes are not acceptable for use underneath the sterno. Please note, open flames, candles and on-site cooking are prohibited! You must be here to receive all food deliveries, along with rented china, glassware, etc., and you are strongly advised not to leave any property unattended. No catering supplies can be left behind for pickup later; everything must be removed at the end of the event. Please convey this to your caterer.
- ALCOHOL: The University Office of Risk Management requires alcohol to be served by a trained bartender – self-service is not permitted. Your caterer should provide serving or bar tending staff for the event. Student Agencies also provide bar-tending service. All alcoholic beverages are to be removed at the end of the event. Public Safety must be present at all events serving alcohol.
- SECURITY: All undergraduate events are required to have Public Safety present at the event. If you serve alcohol on site, we require you to have a Public Safety officer present throughout the event, from arrival time of caterers to departure time of the very last guest or worker. Security can be arranged using the Event Registration Form here: https://publicsafety.princeton.edu/services/event-security at least 3 weeks in advance. Certain locations on campus may require a public safety officer to be present depending on the time, day or circumstances. Frick is one of those locations, therefore please visit the link above for more details.
- AUDIO-VISUAL EQUIPMENT: Instructions on how to request AV Services for your event may be found here: https://iss.princeton.edu/news/important-service-request-update. The best way to initiate the A/V service request is in EMS, at the same time that the space request is being made. The Department of Chemistry does not manage AV and media equipment in Taylor Auditorium. Taylor Commons comes equipped only with an internal sound system and microphones can be requested through the Facilities Manager or A/V Services. If A/V services are not available for the space you requested in EMS, for example a conference room, check with the building facility manager for assistance.
- RENTALS: Building Services can provide rental equipment like tables and chairs for your event. For details, visit Princeton University Facilities’ Request-a-Service and click on Event Support Services. All rentals, set-ups and breakdowns must be handled through Building Services. Rental items from Building Services will be removed when they clean-up. The Building Services staff will move atrium furniture, if required, for your event in Taylor Commons. Please note, removal of all atrium furniture by Building Services is costly and you will be charged a fee for this service, as much as $1,500.
- DELIVERIES: All commercial carrier deliveries shall be made to the Jadwin Hall loading dock. Address: Jadwin Hall, New Frick Chemistry lab – Corner of Washington Road and Scholar Way (formerly Stadium Drive) – Princeton, NJ 08540. Catering and other event vendors may use one of Frick Chemistry lab’s main entrances. Propping open any perimeter door will result in an alarm to Public Safety. You must be here to receive all outside deliveries, from rental services, caterers, etc. Any rentals from Building Services do not need to be received by you.
- CLEAN UP: Building Services will provide clean-up coverage during the event and a post-event clean-up will be billed directly to your Building Services event costs.
- ELECTRICAL/LIGHTING SUPPORT: Lights at Frick Chemistry lab are programmed to turn on and off at sunset and sunrise. Special Facilities team can control them manually but will require a support work order to be submitted, especially for after-hours events (4:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.) All special lighting requests and decorations are to be pre-approved. Events with crucial power needs for monitors and other exhibits or that may require a fire permit will also require special facilities support.
- NOISE: No marching bands, dance bands or amplified music is allowed, due to disruption to researchers who work evenings and weekends.
- 11:00 P.M. END TIME: All attendees and caterers must vacate the building by 11:00 pm, unless you have prior approval from the Chemistry Department/Tamara Thatcher. Please plan your end time accordingly. No catering supplies, easels, or event paraphernalia may be left behind and must be removed at the end of the event.
- PARKING: Event attendees may use the Stadium Drive parking garage. Register your event with Parking and Transportation here: https://transportation.princeton.edu/form/services-request-form. Each guest will need to register their vehicle as well. This can be done via QR codes all around the garage. ADA Parking: For special parking needs and considerations please contact the Office of Disability Services: https://ods.princeton.edu/
- PRE-EVENT MEETING: For all events in Taylor Commons, please schedule a pre-event meeting and walk through two to three weeks ahead of the event date with Building Services contact, Mike Carson, [email protected] or 609-258-5302 and Stellios Maroulis, [email protected] or 609-258-7048. This meeting is to review the set-up, floor plan and details for the event.