Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the stockroom? And, where is chemical storage?
What are the hours of operation?
Who do I contact about stockroom needs, questions, or concerns?
I’m a new user. Do you have new user orientation?
What I need is out of stock. What now?
How do I access the online stockroom catalog?
What is the laboratory waste schedule?
Who do I see about keys in the Department of Chemistry?
Who do I see about lab coats? And how do I get my lab coat cleaned?
What’s the schedule for dry ice delivery?
What is the bulk solvents order/inventory schedule?
What gasses are stocked? What are the specific procedures for gasses?
What are the liquid nitrogen dewar fill instructions?
How do I check out/purchase items from the stockroom?
Where is the stockroom? And, where is chemical storage?
The stockroom is located in Frick B01 which is in the basement hallway joining Frick and Jadwin. Chemical storage is in rooms B01A and B01B within the stockroom.
What are the hours of operation?
Members of the Department of Chemistry have 24 hour / 7 days a week access.
For non-chemistry customers, the hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
A Princeton ID is required to gain access to the stockroom.
Who do I contact about stockroom needs, questions, or concerns?
Phil Fairall, [email protected], phone: 8-3913, office: Frick B04
I’m a new user. Do you have new user orientation?
Welcome! And, yes! Orientation for new users (or a refresher for current users) can be held anytime. Please contact Phil Fairall to sign-up. Advance notice is much preferred, but feel free to just show up.
What I need is out of stock. What now?
The stockroom shelves are checked daily for out-of-stock items. If you are unable to find what you need, contact Phil Fairall for an item not on the shelf. For special stockroom requests or comments, please use the dry erase board next to the Chemical Storage room.
How do I access the online stockroom catalog?
Please contact Phil Fairall for the most recent stockroom catalog.
What is the laboratory waste schedule?
Solvent, chemical and mercury waste is picked up directly from labs every Thursday.
If chemical waste needs to be removed prior to the scheduled pick-up day, please contact Stellios Maroulis, Facilities and Safety Manager, [email protected], phone: 609-258-7048, office: Frick Laboratory 189.
Who do I see about keys in the Department of Chemistry?
Keys for offices, group rooms and labs can be obtained from Kevin Wilkes, Facilities Coordinator, [email protected], phone: 609-258-3920, office: Frick Laboratory 329.
Who do I see about lab coats? And how do I get my lab coat cleaned?
Stellios Maroulis, Facilities and Safety Manager, [email protected], phone: 609-258-7048, office Frick Laboratory 189, will issue each lab member two personalized lab coats. The Department of Chemistry requires that lab coats be worn at the bench in every wet lab. Soiled lab coats can be placed in the hamper outside of B01 or in the hampers inside the spill-kit closets to be professionally cleaned. Cleaned coats will be returned to that same location. Cleaning takes about a week.
What’s the schedule for dry ice delivery?
Dry ice is delivered to blue containers in connecting lab hallways every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, except on holidays.
What is the bulk solvents order/inventory schedule?
Generally, orders for bulk solvents are placed every Monday morning at 11:30 a.m. and every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. A physical inventory is taken one half-hour prior to placing the order and the order is sized to fill the cabinets to their maximum capacity for the week or weekend. PLEASE be mindful of this fact and withdraw solvents BEFORE 11:00 a.m. on Monday and BEFORE 9:00 a.m. on Thursday.
What gasses are stocked? What are the specific procedures for gasses?
We stock argon, carbon dioxide, compressed air, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and zero helium. Click here for specific procedures on gas handling.
What are the liquid nitrogen dewar fill instructions?
Click here to see liquid nitrogen dewar fill instructions.
How do I checkout/purchase items from the stockroom?
Here is the guide for chemistry users. Here is the guide for users outside of the chemistry department.