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Ana Asenjo-Garcia

Unraveling Universal Patterns in the Collective Behavior of Open Quantum Systems

Wed, Oct. 9, 2024, 4:30pm
Taylor Auditorium, Frick Chemistry Lab B02
Host: SILS: Student Invited Lecture Series

When many particles interact with a common environment, dissipation and fluctuations become resources for emergent and complex behavior. In this talk, I will delve into the correlated decay of many-body open quantum systems, discussing both fundamental principles and practical applications. I will present universal scaling laws for correlated decay that apply broadly to a large class of Markovian quantum systems. Additionally, I will focus on the specific case of atomic arrays in free space and highlight the implications of these scaling laws for fault-tolerant quantum computing, metrology, and many-body dynamics. Finally, I will present examples where many-body decay offers new ways to control and manipulate open quantum systems, with applications in fields such as molecular photochemistry.