David Chenoweth
David Chenoweth
Thu, May. 16, 2019, 4:30pm
Princeton Neuroscience Institute Lecture Hall A32
Host: Ralph Kleiner
Thu, May. 16, 2019, 4:30pm
Princeton Neuroscience Institute Lecture Hall A32
Host: Ralph Kleiner
Design and synthesis of new chemical tools for probing, manipulating, and imaging biological systems
Chemical tools are invaluable for modulating, probing, manipulating, and imaging biological systems. Our laboratory utilizes synthetic chemistry to develop new small molecule and peptide based chemical tools for probing and monitoring biological systems in a spatially defined and temporally controlled manner. Recent results from our laboratory describing modular chemical tools for control of protein localization have paved the way for several recent advances aimed at controlling cellular processes. This work will be discussed in the context of new chemical tools for studying biology.