Roxy Swails
Roxy Swails
Student Invited Lecture
Thu, Mar. 31, 2016, 4:30pm
Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Taylor Auditorium
Host: Doyle Group
Thu, Mar. 31, 2016, 4:30pm
Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Taylor Auditorium
Host: Doyle Group
You don’t know until you are there, and then it changes:
Working at a Primarily Undergraduate Institution
As an undergraduate at a Liberal Arts College I thought I knew what my professors’ lives entailed. I did not! My advisor in graduate school was sure he knew what working at a primarily undergraduate institution (PUI) was like. He did not! During this talk I will try to provide a picture of what the daily life of a professor at a research intensive PUI is like. This is more difficult than it seems as my job constantly changes (one of the many reasons I love my job). I will also describe my experience with a variety of PUIs; teaching intensive, research intensive, as well as schools that fall somewhere in the middle. I will also relay information regarding what PUIs typically look for in candidates and the reasons why you want to (or may not want to) work in a Chemistry Department at an Undergraduate Liberal Arts University.