Susan Kauzlarich
Susan Kauzlarich
Wed, Oct. 3, 2018, 4:30pm
Edward C Taylor Auditorium, Frick B02
Host: G.S.O. and The Cava Lab
Applications of Zintl Phases for Direct Thermal to Electrical Energy
There are many areas of science where progress is materials limited. The synthesis and identification of new compounds that can lead to enhancements in existing technologies, or serve as the basis of revolutionary new technologies, is essential for developing new and improved technologies. Zintl compounds can be described by a combination of ionic and covalent bonding, composed of electropositive cations which donate electrons to the more electronegative components that utilize the electrons to form various bonding motifs. My group has focused on Zintl compounds for their structural, chemical, and electronic properties and I will present research on Zintl phases for thermoelectric applications such as waste heat to electrical power conversion.