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Princeton’s Rising Stars in Biochemistry

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The journal, ACS Biochemistry, named three Princeton chemical biologists/biochemists among 30 rising stars in biochemistry: Assistant Professors Nozomi Ando and Ralph Kleiner in the Department of Chemistry; and Assistant Professor Sabine Petry in the Department of Molecular Biology and associated faculty in the Department of Chemistry.

The January 9, 2018 issue of the journal kicked off a month-long special issue devoted to the Future of Biochemistry and to the early career scientists across the globe who are combining an ever diversifying set of skills and backgrounds to tackle problems of biochemical relevance. 

Alanna Schepartz, editor-in-chief stated, “I am pleased to celebrate their work in this special issue and provide them with a focused forum to communicate their ideas, visions, and passions… Be on the lookout for Biochemistry papers from each of these very talented individuals!”

“In 1987, Nobel prize winner Arthur Kornberg wrote a particularly insightful commentary in Biochemistry entitled ‘The two cultures: chemistry and biology’. Kornberg noted that ‘Increasingly, young professors in chemistry departments are pursuing problems of biologic significance.’ The unique synergy between chemistry and biology has become increasingly apparent and multidimensional over the past 30 years and is certain to continue to grow and deepen as chemists and biologists set their sights on increasingly complex problems.”

Read the full announcement and research focus of all the named early career scientists here: ACS Biochemistry