Other Spectroscopy
To support the chemistry department’s extensive analytical efforts, the department offers additional analytical instruments. These tools cover a wide array of characterization data. The EPR instrument can be found in Frick Laboratory Room B14 and the remainder of the instruments in B08. Instruments are available to researchers on a walk-up basis; for further training or assistance contact senior spectroscopist John Eng.
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
The department has recently installed a new Bruker EMXplus EPR Spectrometer. Several resonators are available for a wide range of applications. An Oxford liquid helium cryostat is installed on this instrument for low temperature sample handling down to 10K.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Two fourier transform infrared spectrometers are available for the analysis of solids, liquids and gases.
Raman Spectroscopy
Available for use is a Thermo Scientific DXR Smart Raman instrument with a 780 mm HP laser.
Electronic Spectroscopy
There are two Agilent instruments available, a Cary Eclipse Fluorescent Spectrometer and a diode array UV/VIS spectrometer.
Elemental Analysis
Elemental characterization data can be obtained with an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.