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Summer 2024 Series: #AnnotatedChemistry Two

Research Highlights- - By Wendy Plump and Clotilde Tagnon

Enjoy the second installment in our #AnnotatedChemistry project, a summer series that highlights recent papers published by Princeton Chemistry P.I.s, graduate students, and postdocs, with illustrations from the exuberant pen of Stache Lab third-year graduate student Clotilde Tagnon. (First annotated paper here.)

Today, we feature research that was published in Science last spring by the MacMillan Lab: Alcohol-alcohol cross-coupling enabled by SH2 radical sorting.

Illustration by Clotilde Tagnon

Tagnon earned their B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Texas at Austin. They have several years of fine arts training and are a self-taught digital artist, proficient across a range of illustration and 3-D modeling software. Tagnon hopes to continue combining their scientific understanding and artistic ability to increase science awareness and engagement.