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Research Highlights
Research Highlights
Cooperative catalysts offer unique route to alkenes
Catalysis / Synthesis
MacMillan receives 2015 Hamilton Award
Catalysis / Synthesis
A Day in the Lab with Jeffrey Lipshultz
Catalysis / Synthesis

Nathan Suek ’17: Summer Research in Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton
Scientists predict cool new phase of superionic ice
Theoretical Chemistry
Taking a Cue From Nature: Turning Alcohols Into Alkylating Agents
Catalysis / Synthesis
Car and Muir Win National American Chemical Society Awards
Chemical Biology
Theoretical Chemistry
Katherine Davis Receives Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows Award
Chemical Biology
Spectroscopy / Physical Chemistry
Erica Tsai ’16: Summer research in Montpellier through International Internship Program
Catalysis / Synthesis