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Katherine Davis Receives Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows Award
Chemical Biology
Spectroscopy / Physical Chemistry
Erica Tsai ’16: Summer research in Montpellier through International Internship Program
Catalysis / Synthesis
Photoredox catalyst unlocks new pathways for nickel
Catalysis / Synthesis
Nozomi Ando: Breaking free with a love of chemistry
Chemical Biology
Spectroscopy / Physical Chemistry
Jennifer Obligacion awarded HHMI International Student Research Fellowship
Catalysis / Synthesis
Inorganic Chemistry
New chemistry makes strong bonds weak
Catalysis / Synthesis
Sara Rubin ’14: Fulbright Scholar in Haifa, Israel
Chemical Biology
Paul Chirik appointed Andlinger Center’s Associate Director for External Partnerships
Catalysis / Synthesis
Inorganic Chemistry
Todd Hyster Joins Princeton Chemistry Faculty
Catalysis / Synthesis
Pony Yu Wins 2015 Young Scientist Award
Inorganic Chemistry